Marc Dowd
This IDC FutureScape explores the key forces that will shape the future of CIO leadership over the next several years. "These predictions highlight the significant shifts IT organizations will face, emphasizing the crucial role CIOs will pl...
本IDC研究报告介绍了IDC对2024年CIO议程的十大预测。IDC CIO/CXO信息科技智库服务咨询与研究集团副总裁Daniel Saroff表示,"这十大预测构成了一份战略性框架,帮助CIO在未来五年内领导其组织度过一个加速变革和颠覆的时期。同时也阐述了IDC对IT部门将要经历的10个重大转变的展望,助力IT高管制定战略规划。"
This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for CIOs to have on their agenda in 2024."These predictions provide a strategic context that will enable CIOs to lead their organizations through a period of accelerated change and disruption...