IDC Government Insights Team
New Research
This IDC Market Presentation highlights several trends that are shaping the future of security and resilience in government. The drivers impacting security and resilience trends include the escalating sophistication of cyberthreats, requiri...
This IDC PlanScape discusses the importance and implications of generative AI (GenAI) for state and local governments, highlighting how GenAI can streamline governmental functions, enhance decision-making, and improve service delivery. The ...
This IDC Perspective discusses the adoption and potential risks of generative AI (GenAI) in cybersecurity, particularly in government sectors. It highlights the United States' efforts to regulate AI, the potential misuse of GenAI, and the i...
政务应用将基于大模型进行重构,利用大模型替换原有能力、重塑原有业务流程,改善应用功能,提高产品体验。比如进行海量数据的快速处理,如各类业务数据地址关联,以及知识图谱里的实体、关系提取、人机问答界面等。MaaS(modelasa service)为政务场景提供服务,大模型将和IaaS、PaaS、SaaS一样成为政务基础架构的一部分,成为政务云的基本构成要素,政府机构可以以云服务的方式按需使用模型服务,无需担心模型的维护和更新问题。政务大模型的需求受到内部和外部因素的推动,包括政...
This IDC Survey Spotlight looks at how education leaders are leaning on partners more than ever as generative AI (Gen AI) adoption takes off. Who are they leaning on the most? What type of vendors do they believe are the most critical partn...
This IDC Market Analysis Perspective (MAP) deck will highlight the new ecosystem coming together to orchestrate and implement digital built environment and place projects and how vendors can leverage this opportunity. Commercial real estate...
This Tech Buyer Presentation was delivered at the Canadian Association of the Chiefs of Police Technology Conference in February 2024. Titled "Revolutionizing Law Enforcement with AI: Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT/Midjourney — Opportuniti...
This IDC Survey will provide insights from the latest Sustainable Buildings, Homes, and Districts Survey on climate resilience in the built environment, According to Munich Re, natural hazards resulted in losses of around $250 billion and o...
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