Analyst Location
Nan Wang
This IDC Market Presentation provides a detailed analysis of the market and competitive landscape in cloud services in the People's Republic of China from January to June 2022 (1H22). This study covers key findings and revenue snapshots for...
This IDC study analyzes the development trends and dynamics of the China esignature software market, lists the revenues and shares of leading vendors in the China esignature software market, reviews and evaluates the current situation of th...
根据IDC全球数据圈(IDC's Global DataSphere)报告显示,2021年全球有超过80ZB的数据被创建、捕获、复制和消费,预计到2026年将超过220ZB,2021–2026年间的复合年增长率(CAGR)为21%。更大的数据量带来了更多围绕数据的创新场景和业务,但在数据管理方面也带来了新的问题。随着移动互联网的发展和企业数字化转型的深入,社会正在高速数字化,个人、企业与信息的关联更加密切。市场上对处理海量、复杂、关联、多变的网状数据的需求不断增加,而传统的大...