Meredith Whalen
In a remarkable turn of events, start-up OpenAI's board ousted the company's CEO and Co-Founder Sam Altman, and kicked off a period of drama and uncertainty about how the company itself, and its generative pretrained transformer (GPT) techn...
本IDC Tech Buyerプレゼンテーションでは、IDCが2024年夏にCIOフォーラム/ラウンドテーブルやテクノロジー業界のリーダーとの会議で行ったいくつかのプレゼンテーションから得た洞察を提供する。テクノロジーリーダーは、AI(Artificial Intelligence:人工知能)プロジェクトを本番環境にさらに展開する際の障壁と、ビジネス全体でAIをより効果的に導入するためにCIOが2025年の予算/計画プロセス中に設定すべき主要な優先事項に焦点を合わせた。過去1...
This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation provides tech leaders with steps and goals for IT in corporate sustainability. Technology has a dual role to play in sustainability. Most ESG measures, intelligence, and reporting can't happen without the pr...
This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation provides insights from several presentations that IDC delivered at CIO forums/roundtables as well as in meetings with tech industry leaders in the summer of 2024. They focused on the barriers to greater roll...