Telecommunications Team
New Research
At Cisco WebexOne 2024, Cisco introduced its comprehensive and thoughtful strategy aimed at driving improved customer and employee outcomes in what it terms a new era of productivity where "experience matters." Cisco's focus is on three key...
This IDC FutureScape provides the top 10 sustainability/ESG predictions for 2025."IT has become a critical enabler for organizations moving from ESG compliance to the operationalization phase of sustainable transformation. But the IT footpr...
This IDC Perspective explores the role that a private, dedicated cloud infrastructure plays in hybrid and multicloud architectures to harness additional business value while increasing the agility of an organization. It describes the capabi...
This IDC Market Note discusses Rackspace Technology’s analyst day held on October 8, 2024, in Boston.
Verizon announced its 3Q24 financial results on October 22, 2024. Total consolidated operating revenue in 3Q24 was $33.3 billion, which was flat compared with 3Q23. However, Verizon reported 2.7% year-over-year (YoY) total wireless service ...
On October 23, 2024, AT&T announced its third-quarter 2024 financial earnings. Top-line revenue was $30.2 billion, a YoY decline of 0.50%. However, AT&T’s Mobility and Consumer Broadband revenues in the United States continued their...
This IDC Survey document captures some of the key insights from IDC's Cloud Communications and Datacenter Services Survey, conducted in August 2024 among 427 businesses across 5 countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, B...
This IDC Survey document captures some of the key insights from IDC's Cloud Communications and Datacenter Services Survey, conducted in August 2024 among 427 businesses across 5 countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, B...
本Web Conference Proceeding: Tech Buyerは、IDC Japan、Software & Servicesのリサーチマネージャーである小野 陽子による講演の内容をプレゼンテーションスライドと音声ファイルによって提供するものである。これまでICTの支援によってホワイトカラーの業務やコラボレーションは大きく変化してきた。一方、産業現場で働く人達の支援という観点では、ITの活用は必ずしも十分ではなかった。重労働や長時間労働、働き甲斐に注意が払...
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