rssmarketingandsales IDC RSS alerts C2G IDC Playbook for Tech Marketing Leaders: Expansion Strategies for Martech China Vendors into Asia/Pacific <P>The IDC Playbook for Tech Marketing Leaders provides a concise current view of the Asia/Pacific (including Japan) (APJ) marketing technology (martech) market, the impact of current trends, the criteria for vendor selection, and guidance for technology vendors that will be useful to China vendors seeking to expand into the region.</P><P>China tech marketing leaders can use this information when seeking clarity about tech buyer investment priorities and the impact of market trends. The playbook offers insights based on IDC surveys and tracker data, insights on the top martech vendors, and market insights on current and future trends, and the ecosystem landscape. IDC advises China martech vendors on how to maximize the outcomes they desire from their expansion investments and offers essential guidance to tech vendor marketing leaders on strategies to capture growth opportunities in this market with targeted messages and offerings contextualized for countries and industries in region.</P> Market Presentation Mon, 30 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Abhishek Kumar C2G IDC Playbook for Tech Sales Leaders: Datacenter Opportunities in the Southeast Asia <P>This IDC Playbook for Tech Sales Leaders provides a comprehensive overview of the current market landscape, anticipates upcoming trends, and delivers valuable guidance tailored for China vendors that are trying to expand to the Southeast Asia's datacenter market.</P><P>This data equips tech sales leaders with insights to better grasp their clients' buying preferences and habits. By analyzing market trends in Southeast Asia, these leaders can identify both promising avenues and challenges that could influence their sales strategies. Such analysis empowers tech sales leaders to make informed decisions and adapt their approaches to meet their clients' needs more precisely.</P> Market Presentation Mon, 30 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Mikhail Jaura, William Lee C2G IDC Playbook for Tech Sales Leaders: Strategic Insights into Asia/Pacific's Network Security Opportunities <P>This IDC Playbook for Tech Sales Leaders provides a concise view of the opportunities and strategies in the Asia/Pacific network security market, emphasizing the shift toward integrated security platforms, cloud-based solutions, and as-a-service models. With growing demand from high-growth verticals such as finance, healthcare, and telecom, sales leaders can capitalize by targeting these sectors with tailored offerings such as secure access service edge (SASE) and zero trust network access (ZTNA). The rise of managed security SPs offers further opportunities in Southeast Asia and emerging markets, while China's regulatory landscape presents unique opportunities for localized solutions. To address these opportunities, sales leaders should implement a phased approach, focusing on key verticals, building managed security SPs partnerships, localizing solutions for China, and investing in ongoing customer education. This playbook outlines a clear road map to align sales efforts with market trends, enabling tech sales leaders to navigate challenges and drive growth in the evolving network security landscape.</P> Market Presentation Mon, 30 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Christian Fam, Sakshi Grover IDC Industry Conversation Handbook: Worldwide Apparel, Footwear, and Accessories Retail, 2024 <P>This IDC Market Presentation provides an Industry Conversation Handbook, which is designed to equip sales professionals with basic information concerning the apparel, footwear, and accessories in the retail industry to connect with buyers with confidence. It provides a framework to spark discussions, showing preparedness and stimulating interest in technology buyers with significant conversation teasers and examples.</P><P>For technology companies that are in pursuit of providing solutions to apparel and accessories retailers, grasping their unique characteristics is essential, as these nuances significantly impact specific challenges and requirements. By recognizing these nuances, technology companies can better address the specific pain points and opportunities within these organizations," said Vijay Sarathi Gollapalli, research manager, IDC Retail Insights.</P> Market Presentation Tue, 24 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Vijay Sarathi Gollapalli 《中国生成式AI智能营销行业化落地最佳实践,2024》正式发布 北京,2024年9月23日——国际数据公司(IDC)于近日发布了《中国生成式AI智能营销行业化落地最佳实践,2024》(Doc# CHC51584924 ,2024年9月 )。报告研究显示,当前生成式AI在智能营销场景中正处于快速发展与广泛应用的阶段。生成式AI技术随着近两年不断的技术迭代和场景落地,已经全面渗透到营销的各个环节,从市场洞察、策略制定、内容创作到广告投放效果评估和客户运营,都展现出前所未有的效能。生成式AI智能营销通过精准分析消费者行为、预测市场趋势,实现了广告投放的个性化与高效化,显著提升了营销效果和用户体验。 Research Press Release Mon, 23 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT AWS Summit New York City: The GenAI Path from Proof of Concept to Production <P>This IDC Market Perspective details how the AWS Summit, held in New York City, highlighted the journey from proof of concept to production in generative AI (GenAI), emphasizing the collaboration between AWS and its partners to accelerate the adoption and application of GenAI across various industries. Key discussions included ensuring data quality, prioritizing use cases, and transitioning from tech-focused to business value–driven AI solutions. The event also showcased AWS' commitment to sustainability and the Deloitte AI and Data Accelerator Program launch, underscoring the growing significance of GenAI in driving innovation and operational efficiency.</P><P>"Businesses and their partners should continuously monitor the developments in GenAI, assessing how this technology can be leveraged to drive innovation, improve operational efficiency, and enhance customer experiences." — Jeff Newton, research director, IDC's Infrastructure Channels and Ecosystems</P> Market Perspective Fri, 20 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Jeff Newton 2024 Tech Buyer Behavior Survey Results <P>This IDC Survey addresses tech buyer digital behaviors while balancing their preferences for personalized communication. The survey examines how digital and AI are impacting the buying journey. The survey seeks to further define the role of human interaction in the buying journey as the acceleration of digital buying preferences occurs. The survey explores trust factors and the impact of trust and customer experience on the buyers' willingness to purchase vendor products. It examines tech buyers' propensity to switch vendors and the main underlying reasons. The survey highlights factors impacting tech buying and tech spending. This document is intended to help B2B tech vendor executives better understand their buyers and therefore adapt their experience and marketing and sales practices to improve customer experience and business results.</P><P>"The accelerated pace at which B2B buyers are shifting their buying behavior, adopting digital and AI, and changing their search habits is a wake-up call for marketers," says Laurie Buczek, research vice president, CMO Advisory Practice at IDC. "The standard marketing playbook is no longer effective, leaving marketers to quickly evolve their strategy, organizational structure, skill sets, and tactics."</P> IDC Survey Thu, 19 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Laurie Buczek IDC PeerScape: 中国生成式AI智能营销行业化落地最佳实践,2024 <P>本报告报告归纳了生成式AI在智能营销方向的五大场景分类,并展示了不同行业的企业在生成式AI智能营销行业方面的前沿实践案例,从客户运营、客户体验、产品设计和营销获客等行业角度寻找生成式AI智能营销的落地场景以及面临的市场挑战,为行业用户提供场景化参考和实践建议。</P><P>“在数字化转型的浪潮中,生成式AI已成为企业升级的关键驱动力。从虚拟角色的互动体验到设计流程的优化,再到营销体系的创新,生成式AI技术的应用不仅提升了运营效率,也为客户提供了更加个性化和沉浸式的体验。随着技术的不断进步,我们预期生成式AI将在更多领域展现其潜力,推动企业实现真正的产业融合和价值创造。同时,企业也需要关注生成式AI技术带来的风险,并通过法律法规加以约束,确保技术的健康发展。”——IDC软件分析师李凌霄表示。</P> IDC PeerScape Thu, 19 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Len Li, Anne Cheng Decoding Manufacturing Sector Offerings of Tata Consultancy Services <P>This IDC Market Perspective discusses how Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) showcased its manufacturing sector offerings during the TCS Manufacturing Analyst Day, emphasizing its strategy to leverage domain expertise and next-generation technologies to create differentiated solutions. The event highlighted TCS' comprehensive service offerings across various manufacturing subdomains, its focus on advisory and consulting-led approaches, and its investment in R&D and partnerships to drive innovation and address the complex challenges of manufacturing customers, aiming to enhance operational efficiency and drive business value.</P><P>"TCS' manufacturing sector offerings unveils a future where domain expertise and next-generation technologies converge, offering transformative solutions for the manufacturing sector," said Abhishek Mukherjee, research manager, Digital Engineering and Operational Technology Services. "Embracing Industry 4.0, TCS leverages advisory-led approaches and robust R&D to redefine manufacturing, focusing on efficiency and innovation."</P> Market Perspective Wed, 18 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Abhishek Mukherjee, Mukesh Dialani IDC Playbook for Tech Sales Leaders:2024年 国内Data Platform, Logistics and Operations市場-AI技術進化に伴う戦略変化 <P>本調査レポートは、データ保護、データセキュリティ、データ管理システムなどを含む国内Data Platform, Logistics and Operations市場の現状や将来のトレンドについて分析し、ITサプライヤーやITバイヤーが取るべき戦略や行動について提言するものである。IDCの調査に基づいて、顧客、競合、市場の動向に関するインサイトを提供すると共に、AI(Artificial Intelligence:人工知能)を中心とする技術進化が、顧客の購買基準や市場動向にどのように影響するか、それに対して取り得る方策は何かを検討する際、活用できる情報が多く含まれる。</P> Market Presentation Tue, 17 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Yasusuke Suzuki