target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # US47852222

Worldwide Carrier Multi-Access Edge Cloud Software Forecast, 2024–2028

By:  Ajeet Das Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC Market Forecast Figure

    • Figure: Worldwide Carrier Multi-Access Edge Cloud Software Spending Snapshot

  • Executive Summary

  • Advice for Technology Suppliers

  • Market Forecast

    • The Carrier Mobile Edge Cloud

    • Table: Worldwide Mobile Edge VNF/CNF Spending by Segment, 2019–2028 ($M)

    • Figure: Carrier Mobile Edge Cloud Evolution Driven by 5G and Cloud-Native Network Functions

    • vRAN and the Transition to 5G Cloud RAN Architectures

    • 5G Core Considered Starting Point for Many Communication SPs to Deploy VNFs and CNFs at the Edge

    • The Carrier Wireline Edge Cloud

    • Figure: The Wireline Edge Evolution to a Cloud Model

    • Table: Worldwide Wireline Edge VNF/CNF Spending by Segment, 2019–2028 ($M)

    • Figure: Virtual Network Services Delivery Leveraging the Cloud

    • The Cable Edge Cloud

    • Figure: Cable Edge Evolution

    • Table: Worldwide Cable Edge Spending, 2019–2028

    • The Carrier CDN Edge

    • Figure: Evolution to Virtual CDNs at the Carrier Edge

    • Table: Worldwide CDN Edge VNF Spending, 2019–2025

    • Overall Carrier Edge Cloud VNF/CNF Forecast

    • Table: Worldwide Carrier Edge Cloud VNF/CNF Spending by Segment, 2019–2028 ($M)

    • Overall Carrier Edge Cloud NFVI Forecast

    • Table: Worldwide Carrier Edge Cloud NFVI Spending by Segment, 2019–2028 ($M)

    • Overall Carrier Edge Cloud Software Forecast

    • Table: Worldwide Carrier Multi-Access Edge Cloud Software Spending, 2019–2028 ($M)

  • Market Context

    • Drivers and Inhibitors

    • Drivers

    • 5G

    • Enterprises' Move to the Cloud

    • Delivery of OTT Video

    • Inhibitors

    • Telco Cloud Best Practice Debate: Virtual Machines or Bare Metal

    • Telco Struggles with Rapid Network Functions Virtualization Operations

    • Significant Market Developments

    • Changes from Prior Forecast

    • Table: Worldwide Carrier Multi-Access Edge Cloud NFVI Spending, 2019–2024: Comparison of September 2021 and September 2024 Forecasts ($M)

    • Table: Worldwide Carrier Multi-Access Edge Cloud VNF/CNF Spending, 2019–2024: Comparison of September 2021 and September 2024 Forecasts ($M)

    • Figure: Worldwide Carrier Multi-Access Edge Cloud NFVI Spending, 2019–2024: Comparison of September 2021 and September 2024 Forecasts

    • Figure: Worldwide Carrier Multi-Access Edge Cloud VNF/CNF Spending, 2019–2024: Comparison of September 2021 and September 2024 Forecasts

  • Market Definition

    • Figure: The Carrier Network Edge

    • Software-Defined Compute

    • Software-Defined Networking

    • Software-Defined Storage

    • Management

    • Orchestration

    • What in the MEC Is Not Covered in This Document

  • Methodology

  • Related Research