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A Digital Production Agency Is Empowered When They Outsource Their Cost Estimation Process To IDC Metri


Elastique is a Production Agency successfully developing products for organizations that are digitizing their future. Elastique helps these organizations make an impact on their customers with custom solutions for the new economy.

Predictability and reliability of agreements are important ways that Elastique deals with its customers. Every day, Elastique converts the most diverse digital challenges into high-quality business and mission-critical solutions. In order to empower them, while still being able to express its predictability to customers, Elastique went looking for a partner who can take over a part of the cost estimation process for them.


To relieve the digital teams from the burden of the cost estimation process, they hired IDC Metri for the following aspects: (1) make their own process of creating digital solutions leaner by taking over their cost estimation process, (2) retain the predictability and reliability as a core value, and (3) improve the persuasiveness of their cost estimates by basing them on historical data.

Plan In Action

Before taking over the cost estimation process, IDC Metri conducted two proofs to convince Elastique leadership of the reliability of our estimates. First our IT Intelligence experts made a blind estimate of an already delivered digital solution to an international sports association. Next a bid for a new digital solution for an European monetary supervisory institute was estimated by both Elastique internal experts and our IT Intelligence team.


Both proofs were within a few percent of the project realization or the internal estimate. This gave the Elastique leadership enough confidence to outsource the cost estimation process to IDC Metri and let their digital teams focus on what they do best: building digital solutions that help the Elastique customers make a difference.

Elastique is a private European digital marketing boutique. For 15 years they have worked with leading brands, agencies and media companies interested in digitizing their future.

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IDG Environmental Policy

International Data Group is committed to protecting the environment, the health and safety of our employees, and the community in which we conduct our business. It is our policy to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment. We are committed to environmental excellence, pollution prevention and to purchasing products that reduce the use of natural resources.

We fulfill this mission by a commitment to:

  • Encouraging all partners to share in our mission
  • Understanding environmental issues and sharing information with our partners
  • Recognizing that fiscal responsibility is essential to our environmental future
  • Instilling environmental responsibility as a corporate value
  • Developing innovative and flexible solutions to bring about change
  • Using our platforms and position in the IT industry to promote sustainability
  • Minimize air travel to help reduce our impact on the environment
  • Minimize use of materials and energy consumption in our offices
  • Create a working environment that efficiently uses our office space
  • Develop and maintain a hybrid working model that benefits both our employees and business partners
  • Encourage employees to measure, minimize and collaborate on reducing energy consumption at home and in the office
  • Engaging employees and promoting active participation in environmental and sustainability initiatives