target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Dec 2024 - Document type: IDC ProductScape - Doc  Document number: # US52762624

IDC ProductScape: Worldwide Carbon Accounting and Management Applications, 2024: Technology Supplier Solution Functionality

By:  Amy Cravens Loading


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This IDC ProductScape offers a comprehensive guide on the key functionalities of carbon accounting and management applications, featuring products from Acuity, AMCS, Cority, EnergyCap, GE Vernova, Honeywell, IBM, Microsoft, Nasdaq, Normative, Persefoni, Plan A, Salesforce, SAP, Sphera, Sweep, UL, and Watershed. The status of each functionality is categorized as fully supported, partially supported, partner provided, road map, or not supported, aiding technology purchasers in quickly identifying which vendors align with their changing requirements.


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