target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US52537424

IDC's Worldwide Digital Transformation Use Case Taxonomy, 2024: Value-Based Health


  • Lynne Dunbrack Loading
  • Mutaz Shegewi Loading
  • Jeff Rivkin Loading
  • Jennifer Eaton Loading


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This IDC study discusses how healthcare organizations are on a mission to create a value-based healthcare system through the power of digital transformation. In the realm of value-based health, the digital mission is centered around creating a healthcare system that prioritizes preventive care, personalized treatment, and population health management. Financial incentives are aligned with outcome-based models, encouraging consumers to take an active role in managing their health. Key priorities include convenient access to care, leveraging digital technologies like telehealth to provide care anytime, anywhere, thus improving patient access and reducing the need for physical presence in healthcare settings.

"Building on their investments in cloud, data interoperability, and connected health technologies to enable care anywhere, healthcare organizations are increasing their investments in big data, AI, machine learning, and evolving generative AI tools to streamline clinical workflows and further refine their plans for reimagining care delivery and experiences for providers and patients," says Lynne A. Dunbrack, group vice president, IDC Health Insights.


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