target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US52352524

Worldwide Data Replication and Protection Software Market Shares, 2023: Continued Strength


  • Phil Goodwin Loading
  • Greg Macatee Loading


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This IDC study details the market share results for the worldwide data replication and protection software market in 2023. The data replication and protection software market grew 7.1% in 2023, with its growth rate being compared with restated 2022 revenue. Nevertheless, this growth exceeded the forecast and certainly demonstrates the resilience of the DR&P market. Rank order of the top 7 vendors did not change in 2023, with Veeam and Dell Technologies continuing to battle for the top spot.

"Data replication and protection software is a 'must have' for organizations, and thus overall IT spending for it tends to remain steady," said Phil Goodwin, research vice president, Infrastructure Systems, Platforms and Technologies Group, IDC. "The DR&P market saw strong growth in 2023 but not much change in major vendor rankings. Even so, it is a highly competitive market with vendors battling fiercely for market share and revenue. With AI being front and center in the minds of IT buyers, we expect this to be a new front in the race for technological innovation and competitive advantage in 2024 and beyond."


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