target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US52349424

Medical Device Security Progress Advances from 2014 to 2025

By:  Lynne Dunbrack Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight presents key findings from IDC's 2024 Provider IT Technology Survey, which surveyed 307 U.S. healthcare provider organizations.

"Progress on securing connected medical devices by fully integrating them into the security architecture is finally being made. Historically, healthcare providers were slow to secure connected medical devices because of the scale of the challenge of securing thousands of devices across the healthcare enterprise. Many of these devices run on outdated and unsupported embedded operating systems that made them vulnerable to cyberattacks," stated Lynne A. Dunbrack, group vice president, Public Sector at IDC. "Since 2021, there have been several notable new regulations and appropriations of funding to support healthcare providers' medical device security initiatives."


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