target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52068324

Payers Must Build Their Member-360 Data Platform and Data Factory Now!

By:  Jeff Rivkin Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses how payers are now required to build a member-360 data platform and data factory. Instead of silos, when all of this is merged into a longitudinal (member-360) patient record, this data becomes a centrally deployed asset that can be used to allow customer service, enrollment, claims, compliance, metrics, sales, marketing, and care coordination teams to access and use the same information base to profile members, provide common interoperability, and provide the level of service that members require in today's consumerized world of healthcare and health insurance.

"The prior authorization mandate cemented the need for a comprehensive longitudinal health record to enable interoperability. The payer business is changing so fast that they can no longer write code for every new input or output desired. Low-code, no-code, and generative AI techniques are now available to enable an agile, expandable, comprehensive member-360 data platform and a data factory to establish and maintain it. Just do it, payers!" — Jeff Rivkin, research director for IDC Health Insights


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