target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51961124

The Future of Robotic-Assisted Telesurgery

By:  Mutaz Shegewi Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses the future of robotic-assisted telesurgery and its potential for improving healthcare delivery. It highlights its benefits, such as enhanced surgical accuracy, improved patient outcomes, and increased access to care, especially for remote populations. It also addresses regulatory complexities, patient safety, data security, and high implementation costs. The document further explores the synergies of adjacent technologies like 5G and AI and the competitive positioning of healthcare systems adopting this technology through real-time examples. It also offers recommendations for health IT buyers to consider when deploying these systems.

"Robotic-assisted telesurgery stands as a transformative force in healthcare, merging robotic precision with remote reach to transcend geographical barriers while unlocking improved surgical outcomes and access to care," says Mutaz Shegewi, research director, IDC Health Insights. "Effectively navigating the regulatory, cybersecurity, and implementation-related challenges in robotic-assisted telesurgery will help providers leap toward healthcare transformation that can propel better patient care, operational efficiency, and health equity forward at a rapid pace."


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