target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Mar 2024 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US51829824

IDC's Worldwide Service Provider Infrastructure Taxonomy, 2024


  • Kuba Stolarski Loading
  • Chris Drake Loading


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This IDC study provides a comprehensive overview of and definitions for compute and storage infrastructure in the context of IDC's service provider infrastructure research, including the Service Provider Adoption Trends and Strategies CIS and the Enterprise Infrastructure Tracker: Buyer and Cloud Deployment. The definitions provided in this document represent the scope of IDC's service provider compute and storage infrastructure research. This taxonomy outlines market segmentations and measurement methodologies for the service provider infrastructure market segment.

"The service provider infrastructure has become the largest major buyer segment within the compute and storage infrastructure market," said Kuba Stolarski, research vice president for IDC's Compute Infrastructure and Service Provider Trends research practice. "IDC's research in the service provider infrastructure market segment is critical to understanding how this group of customers are shaping the future of infrastructure deployment for cloud, edge, and AI solutions."


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