target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2023 - Document type: IDC MarketScape - Doc  Document number: # US51244923

IDC MarketScape: U.S. Value-Based Health Analytics 2023 Vendor Assessment

By:  Jennifer Eaton Loading


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This IDC study evaluates the value-based health analytics market. The market is evolving as at-risk contracts tied to quality and cost performance mature and become more commonplace. Client needs are also evolving as a growing number of data types and sources such as SDOH become vital to support more robust analytics and AI/ML supported workflows. Whether supporting enhanced data analytics, risk stratification, interoperability, and/or end-user efficiency, the need for value-based healthcare analytics as the foundation for sustainability and success is becoming clearer.

"We have to meet clients where they are. This was the resounding call to action for value-based health analytic vendors represented in this IDC MarketScape. With a mixture of subject matter expertise, deep understanding of value-based payment models, innovative technology solutions, and advanced analytics and data science, many are well positioned to support their client's current and future value-based health goals." — Jennifer Eaton, research director, IDC Health Insights


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