target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US51219422

IDC's Worldwide Digital Transformation Use Case Taxonomy, 2023: Electric, Gas, and Water Utilities


  • John Villali Loading
  • Jeffrey Hojlo Loading
  • Gaia Gallotti Loading
  • Roberta Bigliani Loading


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This IDC study discusses how utilities are on a mission to digitally transform to create a value-based utility system. IDC publishes research on digital transformation and its influence on technology spending. This research includes both quantitative research in the form of market forecasts and qualitative research that assists technology buyers in making better decisions as well as technology vendors in better serving their customers.

"As an organizing principle for this substantial research effort, IDC has created a use case taxonomy for digital transformation for multiple industry segments. The taxonomy follows a hierarchical structure that begins with the digital mission of that industry, the strategic priorities that support that mission, the programs that will be initiated to satisfy the priorities, and the funded projects, or use cases, that will be implemented under those programs. The taxonomy not only forms the basis for our market forecasts but also provides the framework for digital journey maps that will assist our clients in understanding the full scope of enterprise efforts." — John Villali, research director, IDC Energy Insights


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