target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2023 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US50789723

Purpose-Built Platforms for Ecosystem Creation and Orchestration

By:  Frank Della Rosa Loading


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This IDC Market Presentation highlights the increasing importance of purpose-built platforms for creating and managing digital ecosystems. Technology platforms have existed for decades. Public cloud and emerging digital technologies like advanced AI breathe life into platform strategies, enabling intelligent automation, unprecedented scalability, and greater efficiencies across a spectrum of platform archetypes. This Market Presentation includes key findings from SaaS provider responses in IDC's CloudShare Emerging ISV Global Research, 2022.

"Value chains are converging; industry boundaries are blurring. Data is not just ancillary to value. It is a central driving force. The pervasiveness of cloud computing and the emergence of advanced AI allow platform operators to capitalize on the network advantages inherent in multisided platforms. It is now possible to capture deeper insights from the voluminous data generated from on-platform interactions to enrich the experience for all participants. The success of a platform strategy depends on creating and managing vibrant ecosystems of partners that share in value creation and realization, says Frank Della Rosa, vice president, IDC's SaaS, Business Platforms, and Industry Cloud.


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