target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US50762524

Industry Analysis Perspective: Asia/Pacific Healthcare, 2024

By:  Manoj Vallikkat Loading


  • 26 slides

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This Industry Analysis Perspective offers foundational insights into the Asia/Pacific healthcare sector in 2024 for sales, marketing, and product/channel managers at technology companies. By comprehending the sector's structure, financing, and operations as well as its impact on individual and population health, managers can pinpoint areas in healthcare operations and subverticals in which their technology products and services can make a real difference.

This report delves into key healthcare parameters, funding and governance models, delivery systems, and the driving forces behind ICT spending of major healthcare provider (HCP) organizations in Asia/Pacific in 2024.

"Asia/Pacific includes countries with a wide range of healthcare expenditure and healthy life expectancies. However, there is an increased focus on digital adoption in healthcare but at varying levels of maturity and priorities. This is the time for tech providers to assess and understand the long-term vision and health tech strategies of the federal and state agencies and investment areas of HCPs while defining their solutions and narratives," says Manoj Vallikkat, senior research manager, IDC Asia/Pacific Health Insights.


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