target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US50514623

IDC's Worldwide Dedicated Cloud Infrastructure and Services Taxonomy, 2023


  • Chris Kanaracus
  • Rob Brothers Loading
  • Dave McCarthy Loading
  • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
  • Natalya Yezhkova Loading


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This IDC study provides a detailed taxonomy for the dedicated cloud infrastructure and services market. The document covers the definitions of various building blocks and provides a top-level overview of dedicated cloud segments. IDC is retiring the term private cloud and replacing it with the term dedicated cloud, but the definition remains the same: environments in which IT resources are dedicated to a single organization and managed and delivered to end users utilizing cloud attributes. The growing availability of commercial and open source cloud platforms enables the increasing adoption of dedicated clouds by enterprises, while the proliferation of infrastructure management platforms for managing resources across multiple environments drives the expanding growth of hybrid IT environments.

"The dedicated cloud infrastructure and services market is growing richer in variety by the day, giving customers more and more options for running IT in the cloud operating model wherever the workloads may reside," says Chris Kanaracus, research director at IDC's Cloud Infrastructure Services. "Ultimately, enterprise customers gain advantages from these growing choices for deployment models as they offer the benefits of cloud while addressing concerns such as data sovereignty, latency, and security."


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