target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50438523

Buyer Case Study: Sustainability Partners Has an Innovative Business Model for Improving Essential infrastructure


  • Erin Hichman Loading
  • Gard Little Loading
  • Matthew Leger Loading
  • Ruthbea Yesner Loading
  • Sandeep Mukunda Loading


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This IDC Perspective is a buyer case study, which describes how end-user organizations have applied a consumption-based, as-a-service model to essential infrastructure like water systems. Sustainability Partners, a public benefit company, has developed an approach where it purchases and retains ownership of essential infrastructure, which is operated by an entity (e.g., city, municipal utility, school district, municipal hospital), and for which the entity pays it a usage fee, just like organizations do for the consumption of cloud services from providers like Microsoft Azure.

"If you've ever wondered whether the as-a-service delivery model would work for infrastructure beyond servers, storage, and networking, it turns out the answer is yes," said Gard Little, research VP, Global Services, Markets, and Trends at IDC, "And we know this because Sustainability Partners has demonstrated an innovative business model that aligns the interests of infrastructure providers, users, and financiers."


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