target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50267524

Worldwide Server Market Shares, 2023: AI Cloud Buildout

By:  Kuba Stolarski Loading


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This IDC study provides historical market share data (2019–2023) for the worldwide server market. The historical data illustrates top server vendor shares overall and by product (form factor). IDC has reported vendor shares in vendor revenue and units for the total market and in vendor revenue for the product segment views.

"Server spending grew in 2023 because of the investments that hyperscalers and a few other large organizations made in accelerated compute," said Kuba Stolarski, research vice president for IDC's Infrastructure Systems, Platforms, and Technologies Group. "The rest of the market was in severe decline, as enterprise customers became stuck between an urgent need to make decisions around AI investment and fears of economic recession."


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