target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2021 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US47976221

Amplify Value Innovation with a Business Platform Strategy

By:  Frank Della Rosa Loading


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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation examines how to amplify value innovation with a business platform strategy.

"Platform business models have been around for decades, with notable examples being Windows and Apple's iOS. The most often cited recent examples of platform business models include Airbnb and rideshare giants Uber and Lyft, which are networked platforms for physical world services. The technology giants are the primary beneficiaries because platforms use technology to efficiently connect businesses, people, and resources in an interactive, value-generating network. A virtuous cycle of innovation and change underscores the profound shift toward platform ecosystems. While most are technology platforms, there is an acceleration toward business platforms that are designed to mediate interactions between producers and consumers and leverage network effects to drive continuous innovation. Business platforms are supported by microarchitecture and APIs and take advantage of agile methods to accelerate time to value. In a digital world, ecosystem orchestration involves managing assets that are outside of the direct control of management. Unlike technology platforms, business platforms transform the way revenue is created and value is delivered. These platforms are not exclusive to tech firms. Organizations, including Siemens, KONE, and Nike, have embraced a platform strategy to engage communities in real-time collaboration and continuous innovation," according to Frank Della Rosa, research director, SaaS and Cloud Software at IDC.


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