target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Nov 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # AP50332923

Best in Future of Trust: New Taipei City Government Demonstrates Future of Trust Leadership

By:  Christian Fam


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This IDC Perspective discusses the nomination details of the Best in Future of Trust winner from the IDC Future Enterprise Awards 2023 in Asia/Pacific with how generative AI (GenAI) can impact organizations moving forward.

"In an era in which data is so widely used, created, and ingested, data is king. Moreover, how organizations manage and secure their data is going to have a strong correlation about how much their partners, suppliers, and customers trust them. However, in the advent of innovative technologies, such as GenAI, coupled with the ever-evolving cyberthreat landscape, trust is naturally becoming harder to achieve and maintain. Instead of cowering and dismissing innovation, organizations need to embrace emerging technologies, such as GenAI, to stay ahead of the curve. With time, research, and innovation, we can expect GenAI to play an increasingly pivotal role in forging trust and fortifying our digital defenses against the evolving threats of the future," says Christian Fam, research manager for security, IDC Asia/Pacific.


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